White Papers and Speaking Sessions

1. Systematic Focus on Code Quality: A Technique to Improve Design and Implementation,  5th Annual International Software Testing Conference, 2005.
2. Recognizing and Responding to Bad Smells in Distributed Agile Software Development and Testing, 6th Annual International Software Testing Conference, 2006.

3. Critical Milestones and Best Practices for Code Quality Excellence, 7th Annual International Software Testing Conference, 2007.

4. Critical Success Factors in Distributed Agile for Outsourced Product Development, International Conference on Software Engineering, CONSEG 2009, Chennai, India.

5. Global Delivery Model,  Speaking Session at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Jan 2010, Pune, India.

6. Global Software Engineering: Challenges in Customer Vaue Creation, IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2010, Princeton, USA.

7. Fixed Price Distributed Agile Projects in Outsourced Product Testing - An Experience Report, International Conference on Software Engineering, CONSEG 2011, Bangalore, India.

8. Critical Success Factors in Distributed Agile, Speaking Session at Agile Tour, 2010, Pune & Bangalore, India.

9. Inventive Problem Solving for Customer Value Creation - A Case Study,  SPICON 2011,  SPIN Chennai's Annual Conference.

10. Challenges in Distributed Agile - A Practitioner's Perspective, Speaking Session at Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology, Symbiosis International University (Deemed), July 2011, Pune, India.

11. Governance Patterns in Global Software Engineering: Best Practices and Lessons Learned, IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE 2011, August 2011.

12. Agile for Legacy to SaaS Migration: Ten Key Considerations, CIO White Paper, August 2011.

13. Agile for Legacy to SaaS Migration: Ten Key Considerations, Speaking Session at Java Conference, Aug 2011, Bangalore, India.

14. Agile Software Development Challenges, Speaking Session at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), 2011, Coimbatore, India.

15. Force of Habit: Seven Essentials for 21st-Century IT Professionals, Cutter IT Journal, September 2011.

16. Governance of Distributed Agile Projects: Critical Success Factors, Agile Tour 2011, Pune, India.

17. Fixed Price Distributed Agile Projects - An Experience Report, Agile Tour 2011, Bangalore, India.

18. Service Innovation,  5th Indira International Innovation Summit, Pune, India, 2012.

19. Creating an Ecosystem in an Organization for Agile Delivery, AgilePro, Mahindra-Satyam, Hyderabad, 20-Jan 2012, Hyderabad, India.

20. Governance Patterns and Ensuring Success in Distributed Agile Projects, International Conference on Agile and Lean Software Methods, Feb-2012, Bangalore, India

21. Distributed Agile: The Need for QA Mindset in Agile Testing Teams, Belgium Testing Days 2012, March 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

22. Think Agile to Succeed in Cloud Computing Projects, International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing (ACC-2012), 26-28 July 2012, Bangalore, India.

23. Force of Habit: 7 Essentials for Agile Teams,  July 2012, Infosys, Pune, India.

24. Webinar -  Forece of Habit: Seven Essentials for 21-st Century IT Professionals,  Organized by PMI, TechGig and Times of India, August 22, 2012.

25. Agile Software Development & Software Testing in Agile Projects, Aug 2012, College of Engineering, Pune, India.

26. Agile Evolution and Academic Imperatives, Agile Goa 2012 Conference, 25-26 Aug 2012, Goa, India.

27. Agile Requirements: Lessons from Five Unusual Sources,  Agile Tour 2012, Sep 2012, Pune, India.

28. The Power of Inquiry: Coaching Tips for You!, Agile Tour 2012, Oct 2012, Chennai, India.

29. Methodologies, Standards, Maturity Models and Project Success,  ICSEMA 2012 (Dec 19-21), Chennai,  India.

30. Software Architecture and Design in Agile World, SPIN-Pune Meet, 24-Jan-2013, Persistent Systems, Pune, India.

31. Is Software Architecture still relevant in Agile?, AGILING Complexity, 31-Jan-2013, Pune, India.

32. Organization Building for Agile Delivery: 10 Key Considerations and the Role of Senior Management, Agile NCR 2013, 1-2 Feb 2013, New Delhi, India.

33. Industry Trends and Challenges of Next Generation IT Professionals,  Trends in Computing Education, Goa University, 22-Feb-2013, Goa, India.

34. Life after Graduation: Expecting the Unexpected, Computer Society of India(CSI) Annual Student Convention 2013, 23-Feb, Goa, India.

35. Distributed Agile and Offshoring: Antagonism or Symbiosis?,  Mindtree Ltd.

36. Distributed Agile: Ten Guiding Principles, Mindtree Ltd.

37. How to Build an Effective Dashboard for CXOs, Senior Management and Business Leaders, Tutorial delivered at BSPIN Annual Conference 2013, 26-Jul-2013, Bangalore, India.

38. How Do We Learn? - A Key Question for Practicing Agile Teams, Scrum Gathering India Regional 2013, 27-Jul-2013, Pune, India.

39. Distributed Agile - Ten Guiding Principles, International Conference on Agile and Lean Methods (Agile India Conference) 2014, 26-Feb - 01-Mar 2014,  Bangalore, India.

40. Detect and Eliminate Bureaucracy in Geographically Distributed Large Agile Teams, International Conference on Agile and Lean Methods (Agile India Conference) 2015, 25-Mar - 28-Mar 2015, Bangalore, India.

41. Best Practices Learned from Cognizant Agile Center of Excellence, Cognizant Agile Conference, Apr 2015, Singapore.

42. Managing a Large-Scale Distributed Agile Program: Challenges and Takeaways, Agile Tour 2015, Chennai, 31 Oct 2015, Chennai, India.

43. Leading with Agility: From Winning to Execution, Agile-DevOps Day, Nov 2016, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Pune, India.

44. Agile Manifesto to Enterprise Agility, How to Deliver Digital at Scale and Stay Agile,  Sep 2018, Beijing, China.

45. Agile Manifesto to Enterprise Agility, How to Deliver Digital at Scale and Stay Agile,  Sep 2018, Tianjin, China.

46. Manage Away Technical Debt - The Role of Digital Engineering, AWSome Cloud Days 2019 at Cognizant Technology Solutions, March 2019, Pune, India.

47. 17 Must Do's to Create a Product-Centric IT Organization, Cognizant, 2019.

49. What Does it Take to Transform into a Product-Centric IT Organization, Agile Network of India, Online Conference 2021, India. 

52. Preparing Yourself to Succeed in the Industry, Madura College, Madurai, India, 17 Oct 2022.

53. How to Shape Your Career by Following Your Passion, Goa Business School, Discipline of Computer Science and Technology, Goa University, India, 10 July 2023.